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(Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

You got to love those "Rubies". Very nice!
Here's a few of my '85.
Previous owners were not kind to her, but she's in good hands now and should eventually make a full recovery.

Here is my 91 coupe.

It's my 5th Corvette, and the first automatic. After my 2nd knee surgery I had to get out of my 4 speed big block and move to another vette.

I bought it just over 2 years ago and while it has sometimes been a labor to love, I have grown to really love my little C4.



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Figured I'd post up three of the four C4's I've been fortunate enough to play with..The '86, '93, and now, my favorite, the LT4..:thumb


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1992 Coupe

I waited for than 50 years to get my first Corvette. Better late than never. Always wanted one, but other needs kept getting in the way. This one is pretty good shape - 93,000 miles. Interior is excellent, and runs good. Has a few little things wrong I can tinker with. (like how to get stuck roof panel off - bolts out top won't budge)


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1995 C4 Blue with Black Coupe Automatic in North Carolina

This is my 1995 C4103_1768.jpg103_1769.jpg103_1773.jpg


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Turquoise ZR1 - Delivered Today

You can take that one off my Bucket List.DSC00792.jpg


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Have you joined us over at the Registry? Anywhere near Chicagoland? We have a group of ZRs there called the FBI(Fast Boyz of Illinoiz).

I live in Morris, IL about an hour away. I have not registered the ZR1 yet, but I think previous owner had the car registered.

FYI - the July Morris Cruise Night is Saturday (7/11), and also the Autobahn Country Club Corvette Show just south of Joliet is Sunday (7/12).

Plenty of car stuff to do this weekend. Morris Cruise Nights are normally huge with more than 700 cars attending.

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