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Planet 67 gets under way...

I've finished everything but the hip rafter corners and the short jack trusses that mate to them. The difficulty here will be getting an accurate birdsmouth notch cut in the rafters for over the wall corners.

The hip rafters are 2" x 6", whereas the jack trusses are 2" x 4". They gotta end up at an even height, and the notches have to drop on the top plates...level, and on the outside wall...plumb. ;)

This is where all the formulas (formulae) on my framing square should come in handy. I think I'll experiment on some scrap lumber first. :ohnoes

It's been a real long time since I had to do those cuts (like 30 years). I'd have to go back in my books to look up how that's done, I can remember learning them, but not well enough to actually try to guide you through it. I'll see if I can rack the brain enough to give you some clues.

I'm not at home, so I did a little searching on the internet....try this page Bob. It tells you what to do and as I read it it started coming back.

Thanks, Tom. After reading all that, I climbed up on the building and took some measurements. Then, after farting around on some scrap lumber, I finally got the angle and position right on the third try. :L

By making a template, I tranferred the markings to the hips and "tada" the roof is ready for plywood. :thumb


P.S. Yesterday was a weird weather day. It took six hours to get one corner done. Every ten minutes another thunderstorm rolled through, and the rain was like Niagara Falls. :W Unbelievable! Lightning flashing like an Electic Light Orchestra concert.

Today, in just three hours of sunshine, I got the other three corners finished. :beer

Looking good there Bob. You keep on plugging away at it and it will be done before you know it. :thumb
Yesterday, I got a row of 4' x 8' plywood on the front roof. Believe me, that's not easy to do by yourself.

I had to work today.........couldn't avoid it. :D

Raining all evening. Therefore, nothing accomplished on the shop today. I've never seen so much rain in the northeast as this year. ;help
Thanks, Scott. That's very generous of you. :beer

:L But seriously, isn't it the most awesome feeling seeing it all go up and to realize what you are going to have when it is finished! :upthumbs

I took a break with mine, I think I have it all like I want it but before the insullation and ceiling goes in, I want to be sure.
I will concentrate on it again this winter and I plan to spend way too much money on things I really have no use for at all.:rotfl

Enjoy the build !!!!:beer
:L But seriously, isn't it the most awesome feeling seeing it all go up and to realize what you are going to have when it is finished! :upthumbs

Sure is. I'm getting sore and tired though. :L

The farmer just took off the wheat the other day, so as soon as I get the shingles on, I've got more heavy work to get done a.s.a.p.

1. pull up a rail fence around the existing concrete patio behind the house.

2. bust up the 40' x 20' concrete patio and deposit the broken remains in the garage.

3. bring in eight tandem trucks (across the field) of fill, wetting and compressing every foot on the way up.

4. bring in 20 cubic yards of cement for the floor.

All this has to be accomplished before the farmer plants something else. :W
All this has to be accomplished before the farmer plants something else. :W

as long as he doesn't come back with wheat you will have until spring :thumb

looks good :thumb it only took me 10 years to finish my little shack you guys are way ahead.
A Canadian rain forest. Who wudda thunk? I had plenty of rain when I was trying to get the roof on mine too. Then there was the delay trying to match shingles to the rest of the house. You know, the ones that my building supply place said were standard and would be available forever but were discontinued when I needed them.
Then there was the delay trying to match shingles to the rest of the house. You know, the ones that my building supply place said were standard and would be available forever but were discontinued when I needed them.

Same here, Tom. Although my garage is detached from the house, I still wanted them to match. Light-grey (almost white) was discontinued. So, I went with dark-grey for the garage.

Hey, I'm getting good at this construction thing. Got another side of the roof done in three hours this morning.


Okay.........enough with the freakin' rain already! :mad We're now way over the annual rainfall record, and it's only August.

In between running up and down the ladder during downbursts, I got most of the last side of the roof on.



Now that the wheat crop has been taken off, you can see the entryway from the field where I'll bring in the dump trucks and cement trucks for the floor. But, there's still the straw to roll up first.
Looks fabulous Bob!!!

Looks fabulous Bob!!!


Great progress, sir!:thumb And without help too??!! ;shrug


Thanks, gentlemen.

No help for close to two weeks, but only because I wanted to do this part myself. When it comes to shingling, I'll get some volunteers. ;)

Next time it stops raining, I'll install the skylight before I close the roof in completely. It looks like it should be reasonably easy to do.
All the plywood is on....finally. I just have a few triangles to fill. :beer


I tossed the shingles up there in preparation for laying the tar paper and shingles later this week.

From this angle, you can see why I wanted doors on two sides.......there's always a nice breeze coming across the field, and it will be running right through the garage. :upthumbs


Just a little longer and I'll be pouring the floor.
That looks great! Let me know when you are finished so that I know when it is safe to come "help" you. :L
Down here we would have poured the floor before doing any of the walls, but I know it's done your way in lots of places.

Looking good!

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