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Post pictures of your C3

Very nice 81. I almost bought an 81 before I found the 73
Too :cool Ol Blue. Did you ever get the headlight cover you were looking for?

Ole blue How about some other views we all know what the competition will see so show us more:upthumbs
I have original buckets and one cover. I have two repo covers on it now.

Here is a shot of the car in the race that it was clocked at 187mph on the back straight, before they put the chicane there.
Ol Blue

I posted mine earlier on in this thread but I have since added a new set of wheels so I thought I would add my new pic in here.


Nice to see that at least one 78SA made it down under !
I just got one up here in New York...
Beautiful aren't they *
Send me a cold Foster's by eMail !
mine's a little closer to what it will look like
From one '70 owner to another, the two 70's just posted look awesome guys!
Also, Ol Blue and all the others... looking great!! :upthumbs

Here's one with my co-pilot Cory, my wife & I fostered him after he was being severly abused, we have now adopted him only to find out he has muscular dystrophy, he loves vettes and I hope I can fix this one up with the help of some of the genious's on this site.
"THE" Corvette design to beat, never happen.
Love mine**

7825th said:

Nice to see that at least one 78SA made it down under !
I just got one up here in New York...
Beautiful aren't they *
Send me a cold Foster's by eMail !
Ron, Im not sure how many original silver/charcoal 78s made it down under
but they are as rare as rocking horse dung here.
Keep in mind only 3500 vettes have made the pacific crossing.
Is yours an original car or has it been restored.
By the way, im in queensland, and we drink four XXXX up here, only the victorians [mexicans] drink Fosters.:beer

regards Ernie.
ernbuild said:
Ron, Im not sure how many original silver/charcoal 78s made it down under
but they are as rare as rocking horse dung here.
Keep in mind only 3500 vettes have made the pacific crossing.
Is yours an original car or has it been restored.
By the way, im in queensland, and we drink four XXXX up here, only the victorians [mexicans] drink Fosters.:beer

regards Ernie.

Hi Ernie,
Purists would probably not consider mine "original" because it was repainted (in the SA scheme, striping & all) interior is completely
original. I myself don't consider this kind of painting a "restoring" step.
Whatever - the car is beautiful & everyone loves it.http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=460894#

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