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The "nemeis" Corvette picture was taken at New England Dragway, notice the 56/57 nose, 61/62 rear, looks pretty sharp.
Hi Jim,

How's the '59 coming along?

Bob, I think you have a thing for '57 drag cars.;)
Here's one taken around 1959.
That's cool. Wouldn't you like to have one of those pedal cars? Here are some more 1954 Autorama photos showing the Corvair concept and a Buick concept based on the Corvette look.
Hi Folks...

I originally posted this back in quite a while ago, but I thought it would be cool to bring up again since this is right on topic.

My Dad emailed me some old pics a buddy of his came across from the Spring of '62 when they were working on his '57...the '57 was originally Copper, had a Dual Quad '283 w/ a 3 speed...

The '57 was stolen twice and never made it back the second time...who knows where it ever ended up...My Dad's '60 is in the background of one of the pics...very happy that it didn't meet the same fate as the '57...enjoy...

Dad doing some sanding...

The '57 when done...

Dad and another Buddy...
Pictures like those are a true treasure.

Don Yenko in his 1957 SCCA B Production car. (1964)

photo credit: Corvette News Feb/March 1978

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