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Post Your Old Solid Axle Photos

I have said goodbye to my Elkhart Blue 67 Coupe and now have a straight axle. She is a 1954 Corvette. Born on May 14, 1954. :w
I have said goodbye to my Elkhart Blue 67 Coupe and now have a straight axle. She is a 1954 Corvette. Born on May 14, 1954. :w

WOW! Congrats are in order!! Of course, now you have to start a new thread with the whole story AND photos!!

:wJane Ann

P.S. Cool photo, Tom! :drool: I'll take one of every car in the photo. :L

Bob Willis :.......... That picture was taken back when the Chrome was thick and the women were loose. :w
Time to get this thread rolling again. I know some of you are still setting on some great old solid axle photos. I'll start off with this one.
Here's another.
Here's my '59 in 1960 being used as a test car for an experimental fuel injection system:


Here it is in 1964 headed to my high school graduation:

Best known Export Corvette

Prince Bertil of Sweden, seated in 1956 Corvette #41, at GM Sweden in Stockholm, May 29,1956, Mr Baroll of General Motors looks on. Photo taken by Per Wessle'n, freelance photographer, that often worked for GM Nordic.
1956 Corvette #41. Special "one off" for Prince Bertil of Sweden. Special blue interior.
Silver '55 ?

This picture is reported to be from the GM archives. Pictured is Chuck Jordan in 1955. Is the color SILVER ? Any comments or theory?
Here are a couple.....


This is Dover Dragstrip in Wingdale, NY circa 1964...I used to live at this track..


I've got some more, just need to dig em out.

Dick Moroso at Connecticut Dragway


I knew thare were more early pictures out there.

Welcome to the CAC mashinter

Do you have any info on the FI on your car back in '60?
Not sure this lady is on the right planet.


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