Numbers,numbers and numbers!
Not to change the topic but if you invested your money in the stock market you would probably would have lost a good chunk of it. Everything looks good on paper and that's all it's worth, paper.
If you had stocks when the market dropped like a rock and still had it when the market recovered you would probably be only 26% better then at it's low. It's all numbers like the price of gasoline.
Crude dropped over $15 a barrel and your high test dropped only .10 a gallon. Now if crude drops another $15 a barrel you would save another .10 a gallon. Let's keep it going now, crude drops to zero, then you would save .40 a barrel.
At the high in the North-East l was paying $2.29 gal which is cheap, so when crude drops to zero l would still be paying $1.91 a gallon.
Now does that make any sense?
Ok, back to the origianal topic, forget the war stories because at the present time and that's all we are discussing now, price's are very soft until you walk into a dealer and then wham! Is this guy trying to get rich off you.
Not really, he has an overhead, advertising, rent, labor, detailing, maybe new tires and brakes and misc other things, salesmen's commission and profit to pay for everything. So if he picks up a vette (any year) for lets say $20,000 he has to put out on the lot for $32,000 and that covers some kind of warrantee. Maybe he will try to hit you for some meaningless extras plus an extended warrantee. This is business, so when you buy a car through the papers keep all of this in mind.
Sometimes it is worth it to go through a dealer at least you have somebody to go back to and he does want to protect his reputation.
But still get a car-fax on your own to see really where the vette came from and take it for a test drive.
Not all Car dealers are so called shifty, there are a lot of honest dealers out there trying to make an honest buck.