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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Spy Photo of 67 Heaven's Garage!!!!!!!

This was sent to me! Check it out!!!!!
I guess his vette is adjacent to this ride!!!!!
Nice little amusement park you got over there in Toronto!!!!

What do you call it? "HeavenWorld?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
:L ;LOL :L :L :D

Just wondering Spanishvetts-Are you familiar with the GM production vehicle, the Z06, and its specifications??????? :L

Yelp, I am, you’re kissing Molly McGuire’s back side to find 400 FtLbs of torque at 5000 RPMs and your HP curve looks like an 11 year old´s erection. (Up quick and then gone) All them ponies up high in the RPMs might work good for the F1 kids but on the street we’re gona have you’re a$$ before you find a gear low enough to make it all work.
No offense meant TBV, just the way it is. Did I mention that I miss the 60´s?:v
No offense taken! I never take offense!!!!!

Interesting analogy you made though!

Yelp, I am, you’re kissing Molly McGuire’s back side to find 400 FtLbs of torque at 5000 RPMs and your HP curve looks like an 11 year old´s erection. (Up quick and then gone) All them ponies up high in the RPMs might work good for the F1 kids but on the street we’re gona have you’re a$$ before you find a gear low enough to make it all work.
No offense meant TBV, just the way it is. Did I mention that I miss the 60´s?:v

It is all in fun…but that is what Corvettes are; all in fun. There are those of us who love what the General builds and there are those of us who like to make the General ¨stand to and present arms¨. At the end of the day we are all in the same boat and I for one am damn glad that your boat floated ashore here at CAC. Your constant ¨positive attitude¨ and pumping of this thread was fundamental to the outcome. Thanks.:BOW

Sooo, if your ISP ever cuts you off and you have no place to waste time, you are welcome at my place…. Just remember to bring your G-suit and fresh diapers.:D
I really like you guys

;LOL You guys are way too funny. Let's move the thread to Comedy Central. ;LOL

(I miss the 60's too, spanishvetts.)

- Dave
Yelp, I am, you’re kissing Molly McGuire’s back side to find 400 FtLbs of torque at 5000 RPMs and your HP curve looks like an 11 year old´s erection. (Up quick and then gone) All them ponies up high in the RPMs might work good for the F1 kids but on the street we’re gona have you’re a$$ before you find a gear low enough to make it all work.
No offense meant TBV, just the way it is. Did I mention that I miss the 60´s?:v
That's freekin funny.

Isn't that similar to what the Rocket 383 were? I might suggest he have some embarrassing practices against just a slightly modded SVT Anniversary before he play with that. :)

Yelp, I am, you’re kissing Molly McGuire’s back side to find 400 FtLbs of torque at 5000 RPMs and your HP curve looks like an 11 year old´s erection. (Up quick and then gone) All them ponies up high in the RPMs might work good for the F1 kids but on the street we’re gona have you’re a$$ before you find a gear low enough to make it all work.
No offense meant TBV, just the way it is. Did I mention that I miss the 60´s?:v
Spanishvetts........ ;)


I already know you're good with numbers. Any idea what that torque line means?



Forgive the hijack, but now that the issue is settled we wouldn't want this thread to roll up and blow away would we? :D

It is soooo cool to finally here there is resolution on this nightmare, the CAC has been a great sounding board and some really good ideas and advice have been dispensed over the last 2+ months. I, like everyone else, am amazed at the type of people that are members of this forum, makes me proud to say, I too am a member of the Corvette Action Center! :CAC

Dave, thanks for the specific mention, I was glad I could help. That was a very fine thing you did by donating the leftover funds to Rob and the CAC, very honorable. I can't wait to see pictures of the new 'Vette !:Steer Heck, forget about pictures, let me know when you have it and I will make a road trip up there to see it. :D

Glad to hear this is all coming to an end for you. Good luck with the new Vette (which ever one you decide on).

If I get over to the Bay area to visit my Brother-in-law, I'll send you a note and maybe you can take me for a spin in your new ride :)

Take care !!!!
Torque Line

The line that graphs out the moment of a force. It is a measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force and the force vector.

What else do you want to know????????? :D

67HEAVEN said:

I already know you're good with numbers. Any idea what that torque line means?
67HEAVEN said:


Forgive the hijack, but now that the issue is settled we wouldn't want this thread to roll up and blow away would we? :D
Heck no. This can be the never-ending thread. ;LOL We have over 1,000 posts. Want to go for 10,000?

- Dave
So why are you playing on the computer, barnetdh?

You should be out test driving Z06's at the dealerships!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get out and experience the power and torque.

If you are in the Toronto area, I know a dude there that has a
"Corvette Simulator" He would probably give you a ride in it for no charge since you are a CAC member. HAHAHAHHA :L

barnetdh said:
Heck no. This can be the never-ending thread. ;LOL We have over 1,000 posts. Want to go for 10,000?

- Dave
Shewter said:
It is soooo cool to finally here there is resolution on this nightmare, the CAC has been a great sounding board and some really good ideas and advice have been dispensed over the last 2+ months. I, like everyone else, am amazed at the type of people that are members of this forum, makes me proud to say, I too am a member of the Corvette Action Center! :CAC
amen, brother! :CAC
Shewter said:
I can't wait to see pictures of the new 'Vette !:Steer Heck, forget about pictures, let me know when you have it and I will make a road trip up there to see it. :D
You got a deal, shewter!

- Dave
Totonto's Hottest Attraction!!!!!!

Ride the Corvette Simulator located at HeavenWorld in Toronto, Canada.

Experience the thrill of riding in a corvette! This ride is HeavenWorld's newest attraction.

The Corvette Simulator will be a ride you will always remember!!!!!!!!!!


Pictured: Mr. Mac Schroder demonstrates HeavenWorld's newest attraction, the Corvette Simulator. It consists of a restored corvette and has three movie screens projected in front of the rider. The rider will experience what it is like to ride in a corvette through various motions and audio. Grand opening of the ride takes place this weekend!!!!!!
TLeBlanc said:

If I get over to the Bay area to visit my Brother-in-law, I'll send you a note and maybe you can take me for a spin in your new ride :)
It would be my pleasure. :)
Thanks for the nice words!!!!!!!!! And thanks for the invite!!!!!!

Any chance we can run with the bulls???????????? :L

It is all in fun…but that is what Corvettes are; all in fun. There are those of us who love what the General builds and there are those of us who like to make the General ¨stand to and present arms¨. At the end of the day we are all in the same boat and I for one am damn glad that your boat floated ashore here at CAC. Your constant ¨positive attitude¨ and pumping of this thread was fundamental to the outcome. Thanks.:BOW

Sooo, if your ISP ever cuts you off and you have no place to waste time, you are welcome at my place…. Just remember to bring your G-suit and fresh diapers.:D
theblackvette said:
The line that graphs out the moment of a force. It is a measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force and the force vector.

What else do you want to know????????? :D

Shouldn't you cite Tony's Torch for his words? :L
theblackvette said:
The line that graphs out the moment of a force. It is a measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force and the force vector.

What else do you want to know????????? :D
:eyerole Just what I thought. ;LOL
Any chance we can run with the bulls???????????? :L
It looks like the ¨BULL¨ runs pretty deep around your place already!;LOL ;LOL ;LOL

I think that TBV is a life size model of Quantum Mechanics. Every time anyone opens a CAC thread in any part of the universe TBV experiences the same thread at the same instant. This could be the major breakthrough that the MIT, JPL and RPI boys have been searching for… be careful TBV, do not get locked up in somebody’s laboratory.

For some reason I just thought of a joke from the 3rd grade. A guy walks into the Doctors office with a frog growing out of the side of his head. The Dr. ask, ¨ when did you first notice this? ¨ ¨I’m not sure Doc, it sort of started out as a wart on my butt¨, replies the frog.:L

Now I remember why I thought of that old joke; I just saw a picture of a parrot sitting on somebody’s shoulder.:eyerole :confused :w
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