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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Every time anyone opens a CAC thread in any part of the universe TBV experiences the same thread at the same instant.

My question.........

Is where the heck did he find a picture like that?????????????

What the heck is that???????????
theblackvette said:
That was a definite laugh out louder!!!!!!!! :L


Considering the quantum-like nature of theblackvette's postings, as noted by spanishvetts (op cit, posting #1060), we now have a picture of schroedinger's black vette (above) appearing in all threads at once. (see http://www.phobe.com/s_cat/s_cat.html fro information on schroedinger) This confirms the existence of what Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance"

theblackvette said:
Is where the heck did he find a picture like that?????????????

What the heck is that???????????
Imagine looking into a crystal ball...the haze slowly starts to dissipate and suddenly, your future starts to materialize before your eyes.....;LOL
barnetdh said:
Considering the quantum-like nature of theblackvette's postings, as noted by spanishvetts (op cit, posting #1060), we now have a picture of schroedinger's black vette (above) appearing in all threads at once. (see http://www.phobe.com/s_cat/s_cat.html fro information on schroedinger) This confirms the existence of what Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance"

According to Douglas Adams when they finally opened the box the cat had become bored and wondered off. Later the cat turned in Bermuda living a very relaxed life. TheBlackVette is appearing more quantum moment by moment.;) I am afraid to open the bathroom door knowing that TBV´s post might appear there which would of course place the same post in 67´s bath at the same instant. Now that’s spooky!:eek
According to Douglas Adams when they finally opened the box the cat had become bored and wondered off. Later the cat turned in Bermuda living a very relaxed life. TheBlackVette is appearing more quantum moment by moment.;) I am afraid to open the bathroom door knowing that TBV´s post might appear there which would of course place the same post in 67´s bath at the same instant. Now that’s spooky!:eek
Don't Panic spanishvetts. Zaphod has the answer.
I hate to bring this back on-topic, but I must. . . :D

In the BV tradition, my LT-1 spycam spotted the following at a local Corvette Establishment just an hour or two ago:



Need I say more?

Congratulations Dave and Demery!
Yes, the dealers do have them in stock, for the purpose of sales only. The ones that they have received came through damaged and defective. Repairs were done by the front wheel wheel wells. It's also G.M.'s policy that after the autos are accepted, it is the responsibility of the dealer to make good to the customers.

Keep in mind that the information that I have been postng, the dealers are NOT aware of...yet!

I am not only a Corvette lover, but also a researcher. In this instant matter I happen to have two (2) clients that work on the assembly line.
Erik S. Klein said:
I hate to bring this back on-topic, but I must. . . :D

In the BV tradition, my LT-1 spycam spotted the following at a local Corvette Establishment just an hour or two ago:Need I say more?

Congratulations Dave and Demery!

Ding, ding, ding...........we have a fine set of winners here!

Erik..........thanks for hooking them up. :beer

Thanks for the pics. I'm glad that everything worked out for them. :beer It was a long, hard and frustrating fight but judging from the smiles on their faces, it was worth it. :upthumbs

This thread really brought the forum closer together and everyone came out to comment on this one. I think we've even gained some new members via this thread. I'm sure this thread got a lot of exposure; I know that I posted pics on some other online forums.
Thanks, Erik! -- and thanks CAC!

Erik S. Klein said:
I hate to bring this back on-topic, but I must. . . :D

In the BV tradition, my LT-1 spycam spotted the following at a local Corvette Establishment just an hour or two ago:
There's nothing like theblackvette tradition!

- Dave and Demery
Erik S. Klein said:
I hate to bring this back on-topic, but I must. . . :D

In the BV tradition, my LT-1 spycam spotted the following at a local Corvette Establishment just an hour or two ago:
Need I say more?

Congratulations Dave and Demery!
Thanks for the photos Erik. Congrats Dave and Demery, drive your new car in the best of health!
Congrats you two!
Congratulations Dave.

Beautiful car, great color, nice looking lady beside you, life really can be good when you know what you want and go after it.:upthumbs

I am really happy for you:D :beer

BTW How is you Son doing at his new duty station?:pat

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