Where I been??? ...Been busy planning CruiseFest '08!

As for being 'right'?

I'm not the final say. Using the word "true" obviously brings in some definite constraints to the term. I'd say TRUE 'true' is straight back with no meeting. And I only say that because an H-pipe ("balance tube") isn't really all that different than an X-pipe since the X is essentially an H with the cross pipe having an effective length of zero. And if that's the case, then it's not too much different than a front and rear Y-pipe setup.
OK...so what am I saying? I guess it's that an H-pipe is an X-pipe that has been stretched horizontally and a front/rear Y-setup is an X that's been stretched vertically. So is that "true" dual? Mmmm....it's gray. When I rationalize it like I just did, to me the answer seems like a 'no'. But I really hadn't analyzed it
that that much in the past. :L
How about this..."Get whatcha like and call it whatever the hell you want. Just don't call it a Ford!"
