Due to all this cold weather in New Jersey, I want to put my '06 on trickle charge until the roads are clear (salt & sand washed away) in the Spring. Do I connect the charger directly to the battery or connect the charger to the jump connections on the fuse box and engine block? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Due to all this cold weather in New Jersey, I want to put my '06 on trickle charge until the roads are clear (salt & sand washed away) in the Spring. Do I connect the charger directly to the battery or connect the charger to the jump connections on the fuse box and engine block? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
First and foremost, you do NOT want to use a "trickle charger"! What you want is a "float charger" that will supply current as necessary based on the battery's need. A "trickle charger" on the other hand, puts out current ALL of the time regardless of need. And yes, connect it directly to the battery.
By the way, I was born and raised in Manasquan New Jersey!
Here's the one I use on both Vettes, and cheap too...
Due to all this cold weather in New Jersey, I want to put my '06 on trickle charge until the roads are clear (salt & sand washed away) in the Spring. Do I connect the charger directly to the battery or connect the charger to the jump connections on the fuse box and engine block? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Due to all this cold weather in New Jersey, I want to put my '06 on trickle charge until the roads are clear (salt & sand washed away) in the Spring. Do I connect the charger directly to the battery or connect the charger to the jump connections on the fuse box and engine block? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
BigJimZ16 is correct, you do not want a trickle charger, you want a quality battery maintainer/tender/float type charger.
You can connect the leads to any known good positive and negative source back to the battery that will support .5A to 2.0A which should be 18 ga. wire or larger. I connected mine to the fuse box and frame rail below the battery. On one of my vehicles that I back in towards the garage, I used the trunk light power and ground wires to install my tender lead and then just run it out the trunk lid and shut it between the seal, works perfect. Just make sure that the power for the trunk light (or any other battery positive and negative source) doesn't time out or is switched, and is hot all the time, which mine is. ALWAYS put the fuse for any circuit as close as you can to the battery positive source just in case..... Good luck with it.
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