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Millennium Yellow vs Quicksilver

Millennium Yellow vs. Quicksilver

  • Millennium Yellow

    Votes: 109 53.4%
  • Quicksilver

    Votes: 97 47.5%

  • Total voters
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Don’t scarifies your beliefs, Fight the power!!!!!!!
Bring down the establishment!!!!!!!!!! :upthumbs
slpippen & ken y2k c5 - Glad to see ya made it - Welcome to the :CAC

Post a few pictures of your Millennium Yellow Corvettes when ya get a chance.

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter
I've got to vote for Millennium Yellow! It's just different, and Really Stands out, especially against Silver .............yawn! ;) Just Playin', my wife's car is silver!
Remo said:
My god - I'm under attack by angry millenium yellow vette people and one owner of a black C5. I started the thread, "innocently" (that is so me ;LOL ), over a year ago. Now I find that some of my good friends have decided to make this thread their forum to justify the color of their cars. And in some convoluted way use me to excersise their demons.

"note - next paragraph, Remo moves to the moral high ground";)

I have, throughout this thread, noted that I very much like millenium yellow. As I recall I recently held out an olive branch to the self appointed czar of the Yellow Jackets. But all this failed to close the ever growing gap between the silly yellow show offs and the silver conservatives. I ask one more time. Let's agree that both colors "rock", shack hands and move on.

"note - next paragraph, Remo lays out the measured response";)

Failure to end the attacks will result in a war of words not witnessed since the Senate Watergate Hearings. I urge my millenium yellow counterparts to calm down, do the right thing or suffer the consequenses. It's up to you.:L

God Bless Quicksiver

Says the man loosing the vote....just kidding Remo :beer
6 Shooter said:

Now that really does look nice. And I like the way he's handled the stone guards.

Remo said:
Now that really does look nice. And I like the way he's handled the stone guards.


That does look nice.

A NJ State Trooper friend of mine just bought an 04 MY Z06 with 3400 miles on it and it is SWEET!!!!! But, on the above picture for my taste it's a bit too much yellow.
Quicksilver is so classy lookin expecially accented with a little blue like mine :_rock
Id Buy a Millenium Yellow vette if i was a girl lol.Thats a chicks color.J/K i think yellow looks good but i prefer silver Blue and Black and even red b4 yellow

Only if you were a chick huh? My 6'7" 260 LB Z06 powered MY owner friend would get a chuckle out of that. Then again, he'd probably chuckle that yours isn't a Z06 either.
I was only kidding rowdy1 dont have to get your boyfriend after me. rotflmao.Anyway i love all Vettes even the yellow ones they look sharp.
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