This is tough...I'm glad I'm alone, this won't happen without shedding a tear or two.
The words "Rare" and "Yoda" could not be more appropriate...for Bud was as rare and wise as any individual ever put on this Earth.
I first met Bud at one of the Bowling Green Cruisefests (luckily not via the "secret handshake"...tho I have witnessed that

). We caravaned into BG together (from somewhere in MO I think?). I had the '84 at the time, and I remember us all coming out of some toll gates in a rather "aggressive" manner. I had just rebuilt the transmission prior to the trip, and I remember going past Bud and letting out some rather obnixious "barking like a mad dog" (his words!) going into second gear. When we got into the hotel and got all settled, he came up to me and in again in a rather "aggressive" manner (not quite as aggressive as the "secret handshake"

), nudged me in the shoulder and said something along the lines of "ok that AIN'T no stock '84...what in the HELL have you done to that thing!?". I learned during that conversation that Bud was involved in testing when the '84 was first released. Of course he was right...mine was very not-stock, not only under the hood but suspension I took him out for a spin around BG (and offered to let him drive it himself, but he declined to do that, he just wanted to RIDE). I will never forget the look on his face or the excitement in his voice, reliving those days of having a blast testing this radical new Corvette design. Priceless indeed.
When that car met it's untimely firey demise...I think Bud was as heartbroken as I was, possibly even more so.
Then there was CF '07 here in Colorado. Among the MANY great moments and stories from this event...there is one that is particularly special to me.
My kid (Zach) tagged along with me at most of the events we participated in that year, and Bud seemed to develop a special bond with him. This is Zach at one of the dinners:
Well, during the "farewell" dinner party giveaway, a model of the then new Camaro came across the table and Zach's jaw dropped (he LOVES that car). We didn't win it, and Zach was so bummed (and the person that did win it simply refused to "trade" anything for it, even after some rather intense chanting from the entire room...such is life).
Fast forward a few days later, I come home to find a box on the porch...and since I wasn't expecting any packages this was a bit curious. Took the package inside and opened it to find the EXACT same Camaro die cast model...and I do mean absolutely identical. For the longest time we didn't have a clue where this thing came from, as the return address was quite cleverly disguised...but to say this put a smile on a kid's face is a major understatement!
We did eventually learn that it was indeed Bud that masterminded this devious plan, and to this day that car sits on his computer desk as a tribute to a truly special individual.
Over the years since then, we kept in touch here and there and he ALWAYS wanted to know how Zach was doing...not as frequently as I would have liked, but understandable given everything Bud was going through. We never got the chance to pay a visit (tried a couple of times, but between my schedule and Bud's struggle, it just didn't work out).
There have of course been ups and downs, but it just breaks my heart that Bud never got to see first hand what a stellar young man this kid is growing into. However, somehow I think he knows.
(this is from just a couple of weeks ago at his very first ever stage performance)
I cannot refer to this dear man in the past tense...a soul like that will NEVER die. He will always be here with us...maybe only listening now, and certainly from a much more comfortable chair! Bud, sir...I cannot thank you enough for teaching an impressionable young boy just what the power of pure KINDNESS can do. It has truly made an impact.
Rest well old one deserves it more.
EDIT: It bears mentioning that there were multiple remarkable souls involved with this most generous and thoughtful act. I will not name any names for fear of an old-West style hanging! :L